If you are a SNRHA RAD Housing / Project-Based Voucher (PBV) client, this section of our website is for you. Our RAD housing communities uses a combination of RAD funded renovated rental housing properties and the HCV/PBV platform to provide housing options for low-to-moderate income families and individuals. A Project-Based Voucher is a type of Housing Choice Voucher where the subsidy is tied to the unit rather than the household.
The goal of this section of our website is to provide you with access to the information and tools you need to navigate the program. We cover the online tools and processes we utilize that you will be working with, provide helpful resources and programs, and review the steps on how to complete important tasks as a RAD housing resident and as PBV participant.
Key Resources
In addition to the online tools and processes we provide, your community management office staff and your HCV caseworker are important resources throughout your journey as a resident of your community and as a PBV participant. They are here to help guide you through the leasing process, interim updates, recertifications and more. We also have a customer service team you can reach out to if you unable to get the assistance you need. They can be reached at (702) 477-3100 or via email at customerservice@snvrha.org.

Online Tools & Processes
SNRHA’s processes and leveraging innovative technology platforms, make navigating the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program easy and efficient. The many tools provided by the SNRHA RentCafe portal will help you engage these processes when working with us.

SNRHA’s streamlined processes, leveraging innovative technology platforms, make navigating the public housing program easy and efficient. The RentCafe portal is the main platform you will be using to manage your account with SNRHA, including processes such as:
- Find your caseworker
- Submit your annual recertification
- Pay your rent
- Submit changes to income and family
RAD/PBV Housing Residential Communities
You can access helpful information, forms, and quick links so you can conduct your housing authority business easily, access local resources and programs tied to your residence.
Resources & Programs
Key Processes to Know

How Rent Payments Work
In a traditional HCV program, the tenant and SNRHA pay a portion of the rent to the landlord. Participating tenants pay approximately 30% of their income for rent. SNRHA pays its portion of your rent to the landlord. In this scenario however, since SNRHA owns the property and is in essence the landlord, thus, all the rent is paid to SNRHA. It is important that you submit your rent payments on time in accordance with your lease agreement so that you can be in good standing with SNRHA. You can make your rent payments directly through the RentCafe portal.

Interim Changes to Your Household
Program participants are required to keep SNRHA updated on any changes to your household income and family composition. SNRHA makes corresponding changes to your rental housing assistance, as required. You are responsible for updating SNRHA regarding any changes within 10 days of the change. You can submit any changes to your household through the RentCafe portal.

Annual Recertifications
Annual recertification is a program requirement. To help SNRHA continue to help you, it is critically important that you complete your annual recertification in a timely manner. Annual recertification includes a review of your income, assets, and family composition. For example, if your family grows we want to make sure your home is the right size to accommodate everyone. We will also calculate your utility allowance and rent payment at this time. This occurs each year on the anniversary of receiving your voucher. You can submit your Annual Recertification through the RentCafe portal.

It is important to us that you invest your voucher in housing that is safe and meets the quality standards set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). That is why we conduct an initial inspection prior to you moving in and we also conduct annual inspections to ensure the home continues to meet the standards.
Key Forms & Documents
Current program rules allow you to continue to receive housing assistance as long as you are income-eligible and as long as you fulfill the tenant obligations established by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the program. You will lose your assistance when your income rises to the point that your portion of the rent matches or exceeds the full amount of the rent for six months or if you are terminated from the program for violating the rules, including being evicted for cause.
Whenever your income changes or you have a change in family composition (persons moving in or out of your household, including a new spouse) you are required to report the change through RentCafe within 10 days. The SNRHA will determine if and when a change in rent is required. You are not allowed to move anyone into your unit without prior written approval except a child that is yours by birth, adoption or foster care. This includes a spouse or adult children. Please remember to notify your caseworker immediately of a request to add a family member and your landlord/owner, as both must approve the addition.
Every household that receives housing assistance must undergo an annual recertification. You will receive notice regarding this approximately 30-45 days prior to your scheduled recertification date. We will initialize an annual recertification in RentCafe for you to complete. You must complete and submit your recertification before your due date. Failure to complete your recertification may lead to termination of your rental assistance.
You should notify your landlord immediately if your unit is in need of a repair. If violations are found at the time of an initial or annual inspection conducted by the SNRHA, a letter will be sent to your landlord with a copy to you. The violations must be corrected within 30 days for non-emergencies and 24 hours for emergencies. Our office will conduct a re-inspection to verify that the items have been corrected. If you contact your landlord/owner and they do not respond within a reasonable timeframe, please contact your SNRHA caseworker. Please ensure that you have called the manager/owner prior to contacting our office for any repairs. Utilities must be kept on in the unit at all times.
1. You must be in good standing with your landlord.
2. Complete and Submit the Intent to Vacate form.
1. Your landlord must submit to the participant a 30 day notice which states the date they need the participant to vacate.
2. The participant needs to submit that letter to SNRHA.