If you are a current resident of a SNRHA public housing community, this section of our website is for you. The goal of this section of our website is to provide our public housing community with access to the information and tools you need to navigate the program. We cover the online tools and processes we utilize that you will be working with, and we review the steps on how to complete important tasks as a SNRHA resident.
Key Tools & Processes
In addition to the online tools and processes we provide, your Public Housing Asset Manager and Housing Assistant Specialist are important resources while you are a resident of a SNRHA community. You can find the name and contact information for your community on the RentCafe portal while logged into your account. They are here to help guide you through various processes including the leasing process, interim updates, annual recertifications, rent inquiries and more. We also have a customer service team you can reach out to if local staff are unavailable to assist you. The customer service team can be reached at (702) 477-3100 or customerservice@snvrha.org.

SNRHA’s streamlined processes, leveraging innovative technology platforms, make navigating the public housing program easy and efficient. The RentCafe portal is the main platform you will be using to manage your account with SNRHA, including processes such as:
- Online Rent payments.
- Viewing your inspections
- Contacting your caseworker, and more
Residential Communities
You can access helpful information, forms, and quick links so you can conduct public housing business easily, access local resources and programs tied to your residence.
Resources & Programs
Call Center
You can always contact the SNRHA Call Center for information and answers to your questions. The professional and helpful staff will either provide you the information you need or find someone who can. Call them at (702) 477-3100.
Learn MoreKey Processes to Know

How Rent Payments Work
SNRHA public housing residents pay rent on a monthly basis. Rent payments are 30% of your monthly adjusted income. Rent is paid via online rent payment through the Rentcafe Portal.

Interim Changes to Your Household
Eligibility and tenant rent for the public housing program is based on your income and family composition, so it is important to keep SNRHA updated on any changes so that we can make any adjustments to your assistance levels or housing options as needed. This may include the amount you pay for rent and utilities. You are responsible for updating SNRHA within 10 days of the change.

Annual Recertifications
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires public housing authorities to determine eligibility of its public housing residents on an annual basis to ensure the right level of tenant rent is calculated. The annual recertification includes the review of your income, household composition, verification of your social security number, a background check and citizenship status confirmation. 90 days before your annual recertification is due, you will receive a notice from SNRHA of your scheduled appointment. Please ensure that you attend your scheduled annual recertification appointment to continue your assistance. We will recalculate your utility allowance and rent payment at this time. This occurs annually based on the date you moved into your unit. Your SNRHA Staff will inform you of any changes to your continued eligibility, utility allowance or rent payment amount with 30-days advance notice.

Intent to Move Out
Residents of SNRHA public housing communities may notify us of their intent to move out by notifying the management office. It is important to remember that with public housing the assistance is tied to the unit, not the resident, so it cannot be transferred to another public housing agency or state. We request notice be provided at least 30 days in advance of your move so that we can work with you to determine any pending charges, schedule your move-out inspection and plan to prepare the unit for the next resident. Please contact your management office if you intend to move.

You can contact your property manager to make a request to relocate to a different SNRHA public housing unit. Requests can be submitted during office hours. When a resident resides in a dwelling unit owned by SNRHA, the housing assistance is tied to the unit, not the resident, and cannot be transferred to another public housing agency. If you will need housing assistance in the community or state you are moving to, you can apply for rental housing assistance programs in the new city or state through the local public housing authority based in that community. You can search housing authorities nationwide through the HUD database linked below.
Key Responsibilities
Adhere to terms of your lease
Maintain rent and utility payments
Attend your Annual Re-certification appointment and report any changes.
Make sure you contribute volunteer hours
Top 10 things to keep in mind:
Key Forms & Documents
You must pay your rent online in the RentCafe Resident Portal.Typically, difficulty accessing RentCafe is due to a misplaced username and password. It is critically important to remember your login information for RentCafe.
If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it as needed directly on the portal by clicking the “Forgot Password?” link
If you have forgotten your password to access RentCafe, follow these steps:
- Visit RentCafe.
- Select "Forgot Password?"
- Enter your username and click "Submit." You will receive an email.
- Open the email from "Admin," click "Reset Password" and add your new password. Click on "Change Password."
- Click "Sign In" and sign in with your new password. Please keep a record of your new password.
Contact your property manager by phone or office visit.
Contact the Maintenance Call Center at (702) 477-3100.
There are several ways you can receive support for your maintenance needs.
You can contact your property manager by phone or by office visit or you may call the main number at (702) 477-3100.
Annual certifications are done in the You will receive a notice from SNRHA Staff of your annual recertification that needs to be completed in the portal.
To update information about interim changes to your household income or family composition, please login to RentCafe and submit your changes by clicking on "Report A Change".
Remember, it is your responsibility to report any changes to your household income or family composition within 10 days of the date of the change.
Residents whose incomes are extremely low may be entitled to a payment to help pay your utilities.
The amount you receive is based on your household income and the utilities you are responsible to pay. As your household income changes, the amount of utility payments may also change.
If you have questions about the amount of your utility payment, contact your management office.
You can view your tenant rent by logging into the RentCafe resident portal.
Rent is calculated based on a formula by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A primary factor in this calculation is household income.
You may review the calculations used to determine your rent with management office staff.
A housing authority is responsible for the management and operation of its local public housing program. They may also operate other types of housing programs.
1. Ongoing functions: (a) Assure compliance with leases. The lease must be signed by both parties; (b) Set other charges (e.g., security deposit, excess utility consumption and damages to unit); (c) Perform periodic reexaminations of the family’s income at least once every 12 months; (d) Transfer families from one unit to another, in order to correct over/under crowding, repair or renovate a dwelling or because of a resident’s request to be transferred; (e) Terminate leases when necessary; and (f) Maintain the development in a decent, safe and sanitary condition.
2. Sometimes housing authorities provide other services that might include such things as: homeownership opportunities for qualified families; employment training opportunities, and other special training and employment programs for residents; and support programs for the elderly.
In general, you may stay in public housing as long as you comply with the lease.